Milyen nehéz az önök élete?
Képzeljék el egy pillanatra, hogy egy hátizsák van a hátukon.
Érezzék a pántját a vállukon. Érzik már?
Most töltsék meg mindennel, ami az élethez tartozik.
Kezdjék a kisebb dolgokkal, amiket a polcon vagy a fiókban tartanak, mindenféle kis kacat.
Érezzék mindennek a súlyát.
Ezután jöhetnek a nagyobbak: ruhák, konyhai eszközök, lámpák, a TV…
Most már elég nehéz lehet a táska.
De menjünk tovább.
A kanapéjuk, az ágy, a konyhai asztal.
Tegyék be ezeket is.
Az autójuk, tegyék be azt is.
Az otthonuk, akár egy kastély vagy két-szobás garzonlakás.
Azt akarom, hogy legyen helye a táskában.
Most pedig kezdjenek el gyalogolni.
Elég nehézkes, nemde?
Pedig ezt csináljuk magunkkal a mindennapi életben is.
Annyit teszünk magunkra, hogy mozogni se tudunk. És ne felejtsék el… az élet mozgásból áll.
Most pedig, dobják a tûzre a hátizsákot.
13 hozzászólásKommentálok én is jól →

[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by eMeM. eMeM said: írtunk ilyet, hogy "Backpack" http://bit.ly/dmolAb #fb […]

japanese auctions (2011. november 1 - 10:19)

japanese auctions…

The one-stop shop service regarding deals in Asia. You can easily bid on Japanese online auctions and have these products brought to your residence….

business card maker (2011. november 2 - 09:04)

business card maker…

Say you decided to tell every little thing there will be to talk about around the matter you’re unlikely to make still others putting their views simply because you’ll have covered the things they may have supplied….

spiritual healing (2011. november 2 - 09:15)

spiritual healers…

Once you talk about all you can find to talk about around a point you’re less likely to obtain others still placing their own viewpoints due to the fact you’ll have included whatever they might have contributed….

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car stereo san diego…

Since you don’t desire to deliberately pass on many points unspoken there is an art to posting open-ended blogposts which allows enough space for your website visitors being analysts also….

Darn good cost-effective SEO (2011. november 3 - 19:56)

Hi Webmaster,…

You really need backlinks to your site, so here is a low-cost and also efficient solution – http://fiverr.com/cipango/give-you-12000-live-scrapebox-links-on-super-low-obl-blog-pages ….

control flota gps (2011. november 6 - 10:59)

Many car rental firms will reject drivers who…

Upon getting prioritized the elements of your journey, begin researching what the very best offers are….

sistemas de control de flota (2011. november 6 - 12:06)

Additionally examine the types of cars…

Most AAA offices promote discounted tickets for theme parks, museums and other points of interest inside driving distance, and most AAA workplaces sell discounted tickets to fashionable locations just like the Walt Disney World Resort, too….

control flota gps (2011. november 6 - 15:15)

As stated above, a credit check could also be run…

To get huge reductions on native attractions, the perfect place to start out is the Web, specifically the web page of no matter attraction you need to visit….

control de flota de camiones (2011. november 6 - 15:57)

Additionally examine the types of cars…

Most AAA offices promote discounted tickets for theme parks, museums and other points of interest inside driving distance, and most AAA workplaces sell discounted tickets to fashionable locations just like the Walt Disney World Resort, too….

control de flotas (2011. november 6 - 17:38)

As stated above, a credit check could also be run…

To get huge reductions on native attractions, the perfect place to start out is the Web, specifically the web page of no matter attraction you need to visit….

control de flotas por gps (2011. november 6 - 18:28)

The bottom line is to make an informed choice…

If you wish to go the lower value route while touring, it’s positively a great plan to generate a travel budget….

sistema de control de vehiculos (2011. november 6 - 19:53)

This applies to both renting a car and renting an automotive service…

When it comes time for you to formulate a budget for travel, it’s best to first prioritize by deciding what is most vital to you and what you possibly can reduce back on….


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